
Jeffery's Motel

Check in time 1:00PM

Check out time 9:30AM

Basic food, drinks and toiletry lines are on sale at reception.

Guest Laundry

A coin operated washing machine and dryer is available for your use in the laundry, which is located between rooms 8 & 9 (Coins & washing powder are available at reception). Ironing boards and irons are provided in your rooms. Clotheslines are situated on the southern side of the motel grounds and pegs are available at reception.

Dry Cleaning Service

A dry cleaning service is available, see reception for more information.

Room Services

Rooms are serviced daily. Please advise reception ASAP if you do not require your room serviced. If you wish to extend your stay at Jeffery’s please see reception and every effort will be made to accommodate your request.

A local street map is available at reception

Cooking utensils are provided for your convenience. Great BBQ facilities.

There is undercover parking for each unit and ample space for parking of trucks, boats and trailers.

All of our rooms are NON Smoking rooms. Ashtrays are provided outside for your convenience.


Cobb and Co. Museum8 mins
Queens Park7 mins
Empire Theatre7 mins
Race Course15 mins
Picnic Point5 mins
City Golf Course3 mins
Nell E Robinson Park
(Basket Ball Courts)
1 mins
Kearney Springs Reserve
(soft Ball Grounds)
3 mins